Bucharest, March 2024: Bucharest ranks among the major European cities with the lowest housing prices and the highest affordability ratios, according to data from the Cushman & Wakefield Echinox real estate consultancy company. The expected increases in wages as a result of the positive economic developments and also the easing of financing conditions are likely to favor house prices` increases, a trend which will probably start manifesting itself in a more pronounced way from 2025 onwards. Based on the public data available in regards...
MoreWith what might appear as over one hundred restaurants in Bucharest offering Chinese it’s surprising that the quality is so consistently poor. You will find the same-same sticky sauce on 60% of the food, a lack of any of your favorite Chinese vegetables and a complete miss on any inspiration or passion. It is a unanimous offering of yuck. Our expat clients here in Bucharest all bemoan the lack of just one good (forget about excellent) restaurant serving something even familiar and tasty. I once,...
„Ucrainenii veniți în București au căutat și ocupat în principal proprietăți la prețuri mici/medii, ceea ce a dus la o scădere a disponibilității acestora pe piață și o creștere a prețurilor proprietăților, în special a celor medii." Andreia Lewis, Fondator Bucharest Homes - Expatriate Rentals & Heritage Homes Forbes România i-a invitat pe unii dintre cei mai importanți manageri și antreprenori din mediul de afaceri local să vorbească despre lecțiile învățate sau trăite în anul 2022 și despre provocările anului 2023, într-un moment complicat...
I`m a pure foodie and Indian food was one of my first true gastronomical favorites. As a young hungry boy in Jo-berg back in the late 1970`s, joy was wolfing down a chicken curry bunny-chow on a Sunday after the matinee and trying to balance the act of eating the bowl (which is made of bread) and scarfing down that sweet and spicy curry stew without making a disaster of my sweater. It was love at first taste and it never left me...
Beef, for at least 45 years under communism in Romania was the by-product of non-performing milk cows and usually found itself either as veal (the male milk-cows), or hacked off bits and pieces of chewy and tough old maidens with pieces (cuts is the wrong word) that were best served in stews. Local efforts are starting to be made to grow and source good beef cattle in Romania, but the result is still not there and the local population still don`t really know what...
One of the only positive things I can say about Romania having forty-five years of communism is that the lack of good-fitting clothing meant that the skill of tailoring was continued in Bucharest when over the same course of time it was abandoned in the west for decent off-the-rack choice. There are a lot less tailors today in Bucharest than there were when I first started having suits made here in 1998, but there are still some good ones. My favorite tailor is...
MoreBucureştiul este un loc potrivit pentru expaţi, însă provocarea cea mai mare este disponibilitatea din piaţa rezidenţială a proprietăţilor care să se plieze pe cerinţele acestora ♦ Bucharest Homes, cu o prezenţă de peste zece ani în piaţă, este o agenţie imobiliară care se adresează expaţilor care vin să lucreze în Bucureşti. Bucureştiul este un loc potrivit pentru expaţi, iar aceştia îşi doresc să lucreze din România, însă cea mai mare problemă este în piaţa rezidenţială, unde disponibilitatea caselor conforme cu cerinţele acestora...
Surnommée "la Ville Joyeuse", Bucarest cache de nombreux palais et manoirs, véritables joyaux de l`architecture, dont certains sont devenus des institutions administratives ou représentatives de la culture (Athénée Roumain, Ministère de l`Agriculture, Faculté de Médecine, Université d`Architecture, Hôtel Marmorosch, banque CEC, Palais de Justice pour n`en citer que quelques-uns) et d`autres, des résidences privées, ou `Hôtel Particuliers`. Construits à la fin des années 1800, la plupart de ces bâtiments ont été érigés dans un style éclectique, où s`expriment tour à tour le style Néo-Classique français,...
Aujourd`hui, Andreia Lewis de Bucarest Homes nous présente les quartiers de Bucarest préférés des expatriés. Elle nous explique: "J`ai toujours aimé Bucarest, "Le Petit Paris", surtout quand je suis revenue de mon expatriation et que j`ai découvert sa nouvelle énergie, toujours mystérieuse et pleine de surprises architecturales. C`est une belle ville, dommage que Ceausescu l`ait relativement défigurée... Ceci dit, on ne refait pas l`histoire mais le cœur de la ville est toujours là et bat plus fort que jamais ! Je souhaite partager avec...
Nous vous présentons aujourd`hui notre nouveau partenaire, Bucharest Homes, agence immobilière fondée par Andreia Lewis, une ancienne expatriée d`origine roumaine, qui a décidé de revenir dans son pays natal il y a 13 ans. Consciente des difficultés auxquelles les expatriés peuvent se confronter dans leur recherche de logement en Roumanie, Andreia a créé cette agence immobilière spécialisée dans la location de propriétés de niche pour la communauté des expatriés. Toujours à la recherche de la perle rare, Andreia nous parle aujourd`hui de son aventure entrepreneuriale...
At the International Schools Database, we help local and expat parents choose the perfect international school for their children. Our database allows parents to find, research and compare international schools in cities across five continents. Naturally, this means that we gather and analyse a huge amount of information about international schools all over the world. Starting in 2019, we began using this data to evaluate the prices of international schools across the globe. In 2019 we compiled price data at regional levels for...
On a tiny stretch of the fast-flowing Valsan river in Romania lives one of the rarest fish in Europe, and quite possibly the world. The 65-million-year-old Asprete was first discovered by a biology student in 1956, and for decades it has teetered on the brink of extinction. "After many years trying to save [it], people were telling us that the species was extinct," Nicolae Craciun, a 59-year-old biologist, told the BBC. "But we were sure they still existed." The Asprete, a small nocturnal fish...
Bucharest is the best city in the world for working from home or remotely, according to the Remote Working Index report by Broadband Deals. The index assessed 50 popular cities in the world and ranked them from best to worst based on the following factors: average internet speed, availability of food delivery companies, the amount of remote working jobs available, the cost of a laptop, and the cost of living. Bucharest came top overall as the best city for remote working. 4.33% of...
Dear Members and Friends of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, At the crossroads of ancient trade routes, Romania’s splendid array of stately churches, colorful monasteries, and storybook castles reflects the diversity of its influences, from Romans to Saxons to Byzantines and Ottoman Turks. Join me next spring to discover this Eastern European nation’s stunning treasures, many of them unknown to Westerners. As we journey from historic Bucharest to wonderfully well-preserved medieval towns in fabled Transylvania, we will cross picturesque mountains, experience a number of...
There have been whispers of Romania as a hot holiday destination for a while now. Its go-slow rural lifestyle providing an increasing antidote to modern life. Farmers still get around by horse and cart, and fairytale ancient villages are distinguished by their fortified Saxon churches.
The Romanian fresh market are spoiling us with great selection of organic fruit and vegetables, honey, dry herbs, colorful flowers and when in season we know they come from hard working hands. For a joy-full experience I heart fully recommend you Obor market or Domenii one for those in the north and who can afford to spend more. Yummy!
EFI Bucarest will hold classes for children aged between three (kindergarten) and 18 years (high school). Teaching will mainly focus on three languages – French, English and Romanian, according to the French curriculum, and the students will get state diplomas issued by the French Education Ministry (Patent and Baccalaureate) as well as international language certificates (Cambridge, TOEFL, IELTS).
Bucharest, the capital of Romania, is known among tourists for its grandiose historical buildings, such as the Palace of the Parliament. But at the same time, it is quickly establishing itself as a hub for speciality coffee in Europe. Indeed, London is the leading city in Europe, with more than 250 cafés and roasteries, but take a closer look and see that Bucharest actually has one speciality café per 52,000 inhabitants, which is more than Berlin (1 café per 67,000 inhabitants) or Copenhagen (1 café...
1. A Romanian won’t “fool you”. Instead, she’ll “throw vapors at you.” (Te aburește) 2. Romanians won’t say, “He finally got the idea.” He will say, “The coin drops.” (Îi pică fisa) 3. When a Romania has been “scammed”, she will say that she, “got into a spike.” (A luat țeapă) 4. A Romanian won’t tell you that, “You are fooling yourself.” He will say, “You are getting drunk with cold water.” (Te îmbeți cu apă rece) ...
As the article demonstrates, Romanian`s are clearly owner`s and not renter`s. The number`s justifying landlord`s to build high quality properties for the purposes of renting do not work primarily because when a local mortgage is involved the rates (between 5 - 9% currently) make renting a poor business decision. The single biggest issue for our business is first finding (because the overwhelming majority of properties we come in contact with are just not up to the standards our clients require) and then convincing...
Rebounding from decades of repression, Romania’s capital is brimming with Italian-style cafes, museums, parks and restaurants that celebrate the country’s rich cuisine. Bucharest is like cilantro, a Romanian resident once told me: You either love it or hate it. But there’s much to love about a city that provides a less-expensive taste of Europe (Romania is in the European Union but not in the eurozone). Still grappling with allegations of government corruption and working to rebound from layers of grim history, the present-day capital...
"I cannot say that 4 days was long enough but it was an efficient and very relaxing stay while I fully enjoyed the surrounding, spoiled my senses in the lovely design hotel and its luxurious spa, bought all local products, impecabilly presented, from the hotel shop and recharged my batteries. Met the owners and complimented for the abundance of good taste and quality of services! Tastefully decorated, the whole atmosphere is matching the landscape and is very relaxing. Kind, patient and professional staff everywhere. ...
Generally speaking in my opinion it is very hard to find an appropriate apartment in Bucharest for rent or for sale in a nice area with a reasonable price and Western, modern standard. But not impossible...........it just takes time! :-)